Spot Choreography SDK

Develop advanced choreographed routines for Spot. The choreography service requires a special-permissions license, as well as Python and Spot SDK.

The Choreography SDK consists of:

  • The Choreography related API protocol definitions, found here, defines choreography moves and parameters.

  • The Choreography python client communicates with Spot to upload and execute sequences on the robot.

  • The Choreographer Application is used to author choreography sequences, synchronize music, and execute routines on the robot. The application, as well as additional documentation, can be downloaded from the Support Center and used with a robot that has a choreography license.

This documentation provides an overview of the Choreography API and Client and a description of the different choreography terms. The Move Reference Guide provides descriptions of each choreography move and its associated parameters, as well as GIF depictions of each move.
